Miracle Massage

The spa for the needs of today's working woman!

Hi! I'm Lynnette and I am the owner and sole massage therapist at Miracle Massage. Whether you are just looking for relaxation or you have specific needs for your body and muscles, I look forward to getting to know each of you and am excited to be able to assist in your health care needs.

So, what is needed for the body to function at maximum health levels? In this fast paced world that we live in, stress and tension can wreak havoc on the body. First, I believe that we all need RELAXATION! That is the key to any good massage. If the body is stressed and tense, it is hard to get the knots and taut bands in your muscles to release. I also believe in a well-balanced diet, exercise, and 100% pure and natural nutritional supplements. Schedule your massage appointment with me today and together we will begin to undo the damage that stress and tension have wreaked on your body. I use basic Swedish techniques to relax you. I then add in focus work on tense areas and incorporate PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) stretching as is needed.

Second, I would love to assist you with your nutritional supplements needs. I am a distributor for Young Living and can assist you in determining the right products necessary for your body to obtain homeostasis: “The tendency of the body to seek and maintain a condition of balance or equilibrium within its internal environment, even when faced with external changes.”

I urge you to read the Announcements section before scheduling.  I have changed some of my requirements and these changes will invalidate the requirements on my intake form.  The form will be updated soon.  Thank you for choosing Miracle Massage!  I look forward to seeing you soon!